Cancel and return to John Emmett

Of Samhain

Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter -Wikipedia

Cauldron, Artist John Emmett
A cauldron is a large pot (kettle) for cooking or boiling over an open fire -Wikipedia

Cauldron 2, Artist John Emmett
Cauldron 2

Dance, Artist John Emmett
The ghost of good, the ghost of bad, dance together and are glad

Dust 2483, Artist John Emmett
Dust 2483
Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Dust 5015, Artist John Emmett
Dust 5015

Dust 6033, Artist John Emmett
Dust 6033

Dust 6915, Artist John Emmett
Dust 6915

Dust 8579, Artist John Emmett
Dust 8579

Macabre, Artist John Emmett
having the quality of having a grim or ghastly atmosphere -Wikipedia

Macabre 2, Artist John Emmett
Macabre 2

Purgatory 3, Artist John Emmett
Purgatory 3
The process of purgatory is the final purification of the elect, From Wikipedia

Purgatory 4, Artist John Emmett
Purgatory 4

Art and poetry by John Emmett
Cancel and return to John Emmett